  • 0
  • Lead Time:
  • D/C [Date Code]:
  • N/A
  • Packing Condition:


• Single-Chip USB to UART Data Transfer
- Integrated USB transceiver; no external resistors required
- Integrated clock; no external crystal required
- Internal 1024-byte programmable ROM for vendor ID, product ID, serial number, power descriptor, release number, and product description strings
- EEPROM (CP2102)
- EPROM (One-time programmable) (CP2109)
- On-chip power-on reset circuit
- On-chip voltage regulator
- 3.3 V output (CP2102)
- 3.45 V output (CP2109)
- 100% pin and software compatible with CP2101
• USB Function Controller
- USB Specification 2.0 compliant; full-speed (12 Mbps)
- USB suspend states supported via SUSPEND pins
• Asynchronous Serial Data BUS (UART)
- All handshaking and modem interface signals
- Data formats supported:
- Data bits: 5, 6, 7, and 8
- Stop bits: 1, 1.5, and 2
- Parity: odd, even, mark, space, no parity
- Baud rates: 300 bps to 1 Mbps
- 576 Byte receive buffer; 640 byte transmit buffer
- Hardware or X-On/X-Off handshaking supported
- Event character support
- Line break transmission
• Virtual COM Port Device Drivers
- Works with existing COM port PC Applications
- Royalty-free distribution license
- Windows 8/7/Vista/Server 2003/XP/2000
- Mac OS-X/OS-9
- Linux
• USBXpress™ Direct Driver Support
- Royalty-Free Distribution License
- Windows 7/Vista/XP/Server 2003/2000
- Windows CE
• Example Applications
- Upgrade of RS-232 legacy devices to USB
- Cellular phone USB interface cable
- USB interface cable
- USB to RS-232 serial adapter
• Supply Voltage
- Self-powered: 3.0 to 3.6 V
- USB bus powered: 4.0 to 5.25 V
• Package
- RoHS-compliant 28-pin QFN (5x5 mm)
• Ordering Part Numbers
- CP2102-GM
- CP2109-A01-GM
• Temperature Range: –40 to +85 °C


Pin Configuration


Part Numbering System

Part Marking System

Ordering Guide


Block Diagram

